Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news



Claudia Diehl appointed

Sociologist Professor Claudia Diehl, professor of microsociology at the University of Konstanz and co-speaker of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” appointed to the Standing Research Commission of the Conference of the German Ministers of Education – she will advise the Standing Conference in questions of migration and integration research

COVID-19 and Inequality

How does the pandemic change our society? Social scientists from Konstanz investigate this question in the first issue of their new research magazine In_equality.

Learning about system stability from ants

Army ants collectively form complex, adaptable structures, without a need for communication – study by the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour

Mehr Infektionen bei Rückkehr in Präsenzarbeit

Konstanzer Homeoffice-Langzeitstudie betont die Gefahren einer verfrühten Rückkehr in volle Präsenzarbeit in Unternehmen, die auch mobiles Arbeiten oder Homeoffice ermöglichen könnten