Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news



Migrating insects

By flying with hawkmoths during migration, scientists reveal the insects employ sophisticated flight strategies similar to vertebrates.

Den Rehen auf der Spur

Team unter Beteiligung Konstanzer IngenieurInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen entwickelt Apparatur zur stressfreien und vollautomatischen GPS-Besenderung von wildlebenden Rehen.

How fruit bats migrate with the green wave

Why are volunteers standing under trees at 17 sites in sub-Saharan Africa for months, counting bats? And how is it that fruit bats transport plant seeds over thousands of kilometres?

How glyphosate affects brood care in bumblebees

Bumblebee colonies exposed to glyphosate are significantly affected in times of resource scarcity. Dr Anja Weidenmüller, biologist at the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour at the University of Konstanz, describes this finding in a study published in the journal Science.

Stress among wild life

How stress is transmitted from one animal to another is the study topic of behavioural ecologist and collective behaviour researcher Dr Hanja Brandl of the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour