Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news



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Social Policies for the Digital Age

Political scientists at the University of Konstanz investigate citizens’ expectations of their governments in 24 OECD countries in response to increasing automatization and digitalization of their workplace.

Wie Landvögel Ozeane überqueren

Zugvögel wählen ihre Routen so, dass sie die besten Rückenwind- und Aufwindbedingungen vorfinden. So gelingt es ihnen, ohne Zwischenstopps hunderte von Kilometer über das offene Meer zu fliegen.

Order of merit for Martin Wikelski

Professor Martin Wikelski was awarded the Baden-Württemberg order of merit. In Radolfzell, the Minister of Science, Theresia Bauer, gave the laudation for the director of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and honorary professor of the University of Konstanz

Wearing a mask – for yourself or for others?

Different age groups have different reasons for wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, says a study involving economists and behavioural researchers from Konstanz. Health campaigns should therefore be specifically tailored to different groups.

Sociology on behalf of the president

Sociology Professor Claudia Diehl from the University of Konstanz talks in the interview about her role in the Blanchard-Tirole-Commission, an expert commission of the French President Emmanuel Macron, that has concluded its work this week. (in German)

Overcoming resistance to COVID-19 vaccination: new evidence

Behavioural economist Dr. Katrin Schmelz of the University of Konstanz and her Santa Fe Institute colleague Prof. Dr. Samuel Bowles show that enforcing SARS-CoV-2 vaccination should be avoided: mandates would undermine intrinsic motivation to vaccinate in many people, and bear high social and political costs.

Germans (mis-)understand inequality

In their new “Inequality Barometer”, Konstanz researchers demonstrate: The German population often assesses the level of inequality incorrectly, underestimating wealth inequality in particular. This also has political consequences.